Title Panda The Sun
Casts Jin Ming as Wen Chuan.
Where Modern China
  • A 1995 production 
  • 2 hours length movie
My Rating 6/10 (Average)
  • Synopsis 

"Panda The Sun" is an enchanting story about childhood innocence, friendship and love to Mother nature. 

Wen Chuan is a young little girl who lives with her grandmother.  Her mother is seldom at home and she grew very attached to her granny.  One day whilst doing her gymnastic routine, Wen Chuan injured her ankle and was rehabilitated at a hospital for couple of weeks.  She then followed her mother on a research expedition to a countryside area of China.  The move was made so that she could gets closer to her mother and also to provide a better environment for her injury.  

Wen Chuan was first frightened with the new surrounding and strange faces.  But she soon discovered the magical presence there and that begin one of her life's most wonderful adventure.